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美国华尔街爆发的金融危机如同海啸一般,迅速波及五湖四海,时事新闻类作文素材。不管是同属发达国家的英国、日本、还是经济欠发达国家的非洲,都感受到了金融海啸的震撼,在全球化的今天,没有一个国家可以成为美国金融危机的绝缘体。 继美国之后,英国成为了此次金融危机的第一个直接受害者。2008年第一季度,英国人均支出大于收入,人均每月要从储蓄中拿出41英镑来弥补不足。消费者面对涨价压力已经到了入不敷出的程度。在非洲,普通股民不得不压缩资本市场投资,将资金兑现以备日常之需,如物价暴涨的大米、面粉、鸡蛋等物品。和美国经济联系紧密的印度也难逃池鱼之殃。印度有些地方的警方甚至已经开始监视湖泊、运河等地,以免投资失利者自杀。日本东京股市225种股票平均价格指数在10月8日下午跌至9502.48点,与去年同期相比,几乎缩水一半。中心正在迁移至欧洲大陆的华尔街"金融飓风"持续升级,冰岛成为受到本轮危机冲击最严重的国家。冰岛银行的债务已攀升至该国经济的约12倍,市场担心信贷危机会严重冲击该国银行,导致冰岛出现"全国性破产" 为了应对这一横扫全球的金融风暴,各国央行联行降息,全球七国集团财政部会议于10月10日在美国首者华盛顿召开,七国财长们签署了一项计划,承诺用"一切可用手段"对抗当前的金融危机。20国集团财政部长和央行长特别会议11日在华盛顿召开,会议强调,20国集团将团结一致,深化合作,采取一切可行的打措施共同应对此次国际金融危机。欧盟各国一直为应对金融危机而不懈努力,欧元区15国领导人12日在法国巴黎召开首脑会议,就欧元区国家举措达成统一的建议框架。10月24日至25日将在北京举行第七届亚欧首脑会议,此次会议将探讨亚欧国家如何加强合作、共度危机。 Global response to the financial turmoil The financial crisis on Wall Street in the United States, like a tsunami, quickly spread all over the world, with current news material. Whether it was Britain, Japan, or Africa, which was also a developed country. All felt the shock of the financial tsunami, in the globalization of today, no country can become the insulator of the financial crisis in the United States. After the US, the UK became the first direct victim of the financial crisis. In in the first quarter of 2008, the UK spent more per capita than it earned. The average person spends ?41 a month on savings to make up for the shortfall. Consumers are under pressure to raise prices to the point where they can't make ends meet. In Africa, ordinary investors have to cut back on capital market investment. Cash the money for daily use, such as soaring rice, flour, eggs and other items. India, which is closely linked to the U. S. economy, is also vulnerable to fish. Police in some parts of the country have even begun to monitor lakes. Canals and other places, so as not to invest in the loss of suicide. Tokyo, Japan The market's 225 stock average fell to 9,502.48 in the afternoon of October 8th, compared with the same period last year. Almost halved. The Wall Street "financial hurricane" that the center is moving to continental Europe continues to escalate. Iceland has been the worst hit by the crisis. The debt of Icelandic banks has climbed to about 12 times the size of the country's economy, and there are fears that the credit crisis will hit its banks hard. "National bankruptcy" in Iceland In response to the global financial turmoil, central banks cut interest rates, the Group of Seven Treasury meeting in the United States on October 10th, the first meeting in Washington, the seven finance ministers signed a plan. A special meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs, held in Washington on 11th, was committed to "all available means" to combat the current financial crisis. The meeting stressed that the G-20 would unite and deepen cooperation. Take all possible measures to deal with the international financial crisis. The European Union countries have been working tirelessly to deal with the financial crisis, the leaders of the 15 euro zone held a summit in Paris, France on 12th. The 7th Asia-Europe Summit, to be held in Beijing from October 24th to 25th, will discuss how Asia and Europe can work together to tide over the crisis. |