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鲁炜被中央用“最狠”的词定性,新华社如何翻译? 2018年02月13日 23:35:10来源:英文联播综合 原标题:史上最狠“定性”,新华社如何翻译? 中央宣传部原副部长、中央网信办原主任鲁炜被"双开" 严重违反政治纪律和政治规矩 severely violate the Party's political discipline and rules 阳奉阴违、欺骗中央 While appearing to be obedient, but covertly refuse to implement Party's decisions and policies in practice 目无规矩、肆意妄为、妄议中央 being defiant of rules, acting wantonly and issuing groundless criticism of the CPC decisions and policies 干扰中央巡视……公器私用,不择手段为个人造势 obstruct the central authority's discipline inspections, abuse power and public resources for personal purposes and unscrupulously seek personal influence 品行恶劣、匿名诬告他人,拉帮结派、搞“小圈子” demoralization; frame others anonymously and form factionsand cliques 频繁出入私人会所,大搞特权,作风粗暴、专横跋扈 frequent luxurious veneus, waywardly seek and use privileges and act peremptorily and arbitrarily 组织谈话函询时不如实说明问题 fail to cooperate in the organization's investigation 以权谋色,不知廉耻 shamelessly trade power for sex 对中央关于网信工作的战略部署搞选择性执行 selective in implementing the CPC Central Committee's cyberspace management strategy 以权谋私,收钱敛财 trade power for personal gains 利用职务上的便利为他人谋取利益并收受巨额财物涉嫌受贿犯罪 take advantage of his post to seek profits for others and accept a huge amount of property, leading him to suspect of bribery-taking 毫无党性原则,对党中央极端不忠诚 lost his communist faith and extremely disloyal to the CPC Central Committee “四个意识”个个皆无,“六大纪律”项项违反 betray each and every important political requirement and major discipline for CPC members 典型的“两面人” a typical example of duplicity 不收敛、不知止 show no signs of restraint 问题严重集中,群众反映强烈 his wrongdoings are of grave nature and cause strong public outcry 《华尔街日报》 路透社 《南华早报》 《每日邮报》 |