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时间:2021-12-09 17:46:27 作者:管理员


  Technical interpreters should not only have the level of ordinary interpreters, but also have good psychological quality. Today, the Chinese translation company will share with you what needs to be done to do a good job of technical interpretation?


  1. Overcoming psychological barriers

  口译是一个即席性很强的语言符号转码活动。口译的独立性及高度紧张不仅对译员的心理素质提出了挑战, 也对译员的专业水平提出了很高的要求。要想成为一名合格的译员,除了努力学习练好基本功,掌握一些口译技巧外,还应采取如下一些对策来克服心理障碍。

  Interpretation is an impromptu transcoding activity. The independence and high tension of interpretation not only challenges the interpreter's psychological quality, but also puts forward high requirements for the professional level of the interpreter. In order to be a qualified interpreter, we should not only study and practice the basic skills and master some interpreting skills, but also take the following measures to overcome the psychological obstacles.

  (1)首先, 要做到译前充分准备,心中有数,才能思路畅通,发挥出应有的水平。可以事前先设法了解会谈目的及内容。有针对性地了解有关词汇、专业知识、专业术语,以及一些惯用的口语句式等。同时,尽量创造机会事先与外宾接触,逐步适应其口音,给熟悉的外宾做翻译心理压力往往能减轻很多。此外要在会谈开始时,凝神屏气仔细记录,译出表达时,将语速调整得比平时少缓,逐渐使自己镇定下来。

  (1) First of all, it is necessary to be fully prepared and well-informed before translation, so that ideas can be unblocked and proper level can be brought into play. Try to understand the purpose and content of the meeting in advance. Have a targeted understanding of the relevant vocabulary, professional knowledge, professional terminology, as well as some commonly used oral sentence patterns, etc. At the same time, try to create opportunities to contact with foreign guests in advance, and gradually adapt to their accents, so as to reduce the psychological pressure of translation for the familiar foreign guests. In addition, at the beginning of the meeting, carefully record with concentration and breath holding. When translating expressions, adjust the speaking speed less slowly than usual and gradually calm yourself down.


  (2) Secondly, we should put down the burden, establish absolute self-confidence, and overcome the mentality of worrying about gain and loss. When the author initially took charge of interpretation of various engineering talks, every time I saw a peer present, I felt a bit nervous. I was often afraid of making mistakes in front of the peer and losing face. I even felt a little timid when I saw the excellent performance of the peer present. In fact, this is a good opportunity to improve translation skills through peer experts' correction. At the same time, when encountering difficult problems or translation errors, we can consult with colleagues to improve our translation level. Therefore, even if there are peers or senior leaders present, we should strive to be clear-minded, responsive, courageous and confident.

  2、积累知识, 准备充分

  2. Accumulate knowledge and prepare well

  工程技术口译具有突出的专业性,为此,译员在进入口译工作之前, 必须预先了解和熟悉有关的专业知识。

  Engineering interpretation has outstanding professionalism. Therefore, before entering the interpretation work, the interpreter must know and be familiar with the relevant professional knowledge in advance.

  (1)首先, 对即将进行项目所涉及的具体的专业知识、技术术语和专业词汇, 口译者应该大量收集有关资料, 精心准备, 并

  (1) First of all, interpreters should collect a large amount of relevant information and prepare carefully for the specific expertise, technical terms and professional vocabulary involved in the upcoming project


  To absorb.

  (2)其次, 除了了解具体的专业知识之外, 还必须了解其他专业的一般性专业知识, 对任何一名译员来讲, 口译的内容都不一定局限于如政治、商务或科技等领域。科技翻译又包括机械、电子、化工等诸多方面, 当你进行所涉及项目专业的工程翻译时。你无法预知什么时候又会涉及到其他专业。口译需手勤、脑勤。碰到新知识新词汇及时记录下来,归纳整理存进大脑, 随时调用。

  (2) Secondly, in addition to specific professional knowledge, it is necessary to understand other general professional knowledge. For any interpreter, the content of interpretation is not necessarily limited to such fields as politics, business or technology. Science and technology translation also includes mechanical, electronic, chemical and many other aspects, when you are engaged in project professional engineering translation. You don't know when you're going to be involved in another major. Interpreting requires hands and brains. When encountering new knowledge and new vocabulary, record them in time, summarize and store them in the brain, and call them at any time.

  再则, 随着我国对外改革开放的发展, 以及对外交流面的扩大,各种新事物、新信息层出不穷,这些都有可能成为口译的内容。除此之外,口译人员还应了解对方的背景包括身份、地位、文化程度、职业职务、性格特点、宗教信仰、工作方式,所在国家的风俗习惯等,做到知己知彼,百战不殆。

  Moreover, with the development of China's reform and opening up, as well as the expansion of foreign exchange, new things and information emerge in endlessly, which may become the content of interpretation. In addition, the interpreter should also understand the background of the other party, including identity, status, education level, professional position, personality characteristics, religious belief, working methods, customs and habits of the country where he is located, so as to know himself and the other, and win every battle.

  3、勇于实践, 注意总结

  3. Dare to practice and pay attention to summary

  要勇于实践,不断在各种英语环境中锻炼自己,训练听力,提高理解能力和翻译技巧。每场翻译下来及时总结经验,提出存在的问题和相应的改进措施。就拿语言特点来说,光是说英语者,不仅有来自英语为母语的国家,还有的来自非英语国家。这样一来说英语者往往或多或少带有自己的母语语调或口音,口音五花八门,即使是来自英美英语国家的人,也并不都讲标准英语。由于身份、地位和文化教育不同,总裁、工程师和操作工的用词也大不相同。所有这些, 都给翻译造成一定的困难。因此,译员应当尽一切可能将自己置身于讲不同英语的各种人之中,使自己熟悉不同的语音语调和用词,不至于在语言方面出现障碍。在条件允许的情况下多收听英语广播,观看电视中的英语节目,通过不断实践,总结经验,可以形成一些口译时的应付策略和技巧,促进会谈的轻松、顺利进行。比如口译时,为了减少漏译和误译,译员除了应具备出众的记忆力外,还应学会速记,即采用自己最熟悉的文字或者译入语,输以少量的符号和缩略语。至于记什么,记多少,完全由个人习惯与发挥确定。如果在口译过程中碰到不懂的生词或不明白的地方,一定要沉着冷静,千万不要惊慌,,不能盲目的乱猜。应该巧妙而有策略地与讲话人加以讨论弄清本意后再进行翻译。再优秀的口译者也会在工作中碰到难题,所以口译者必须具有灵活应变的能力,具有较强的独立分析和独立解决问题的能力,一名有经验的口译者在无资料或词典可以查询的情况下,通过解释、比划、旁敲侧击、曲线翻译,最后同样可以达到沟通的目的。不仅应自我总结,平时还应注意观摩学习别人的翻译风格和翻译技巧,收集佳译,注意将口译和笔译相结合,将笔译中好的表达运用到口译中,提高口译质量,为口译提供素材做到译法灵活。

  We should have the courage to practice, constantly exercise ourselves in various English environments, train our listening, and improve our understanding and translation skills. Summarize the experience in time after each translation, put forward the existing problems and corresponding improvement measures. Take the characteristics of language as an example. English speakers are not only from native English speaking countries, but also from non English speaking countries. In this way, English speakers tend to have more or less their native language intonation or accent, with various accents. Even people from British and American English speaking countries do not speak standard English. Because of the differences in identity, status, culture and education, presidents, engineers and operators use different words. All of these make translation difficult. Therefore, an interpreter should try his best to put himself among all kinds of people who speak different English, so as to make himself familiar with different intonation and words, and avoid language obstacles. If conditions permit, listening to English radio and watching English programs on TV, through continuous practice and summing up experience, can form some coping strategies and skills in interpretation, and promote the smooth and easy progress of the talks. For example, when interpreting, in order to reduce omission and mistranslation, translators should not only have excellent memory, but also learn shorthand, that is, to use their most familiar words or target language, and to input a small number of symbols and abbreviations. As for what to remember and how much to remember, it is entirely determined by personal habits and play. If you encounter a new word or a place you don't understand in the process of interpretation, you must be calm and calm, don't panic, and don't guess blindly. We should discuss with the speaker skillfully and tactfully to find out the original meaning before translating. No matter how good an interpreter is, he or she will encounter difficulties in his or her work. Therefore, an interpreter must have the ability of flexibility, strong ability of independent analysis and independent problem-solving. An experienced interpreter can achieve the same goal of communication through interpretation, comparison, Sideswipe and curve translation when there is no data or dictionary to query. We should not only summarize ourselves, but also observe and learn other people's translation styles and skills, collect good translations, combine interpretation with translation, apply good expressions in translation to interpretation, improve interpretation quality and provide materials for interpretation so as to make translation flexible.


  4. Flexible ability and strong professional ethics

  口译工作是一项传递信息的工作。这种传递应该是客观、忠实、全面的。译员在翻译过程中不能加入自己主观的意见和看法, 或是随意增减翻译的内容。另一方面,口译工作也不是机械刻板的生搬硬套的过程。在工作中不是被动、消极的,他不能抱着“我只负责翻译双方的谈话, 其余一切与我无关”的思想。而是要充分发挥双方优势,创造和利用有利于促进双方理解的积极因素。这就要求译员在工作现场注意观察交谈双方的反应, 遇到听话人没有听懂的时候, 要及时变换用词、句式结构,或征得讲话人的同意后进行补充和解释。遇到对抗性的过激语言, 则应采取一些灵活的处理方式。

  Interpretation is a work of transmitting information. This kind of transmission should be objective, faithful and comprehensive. In the process of translation, translators should not add their own subjective opinions or add or delete the translated content at will. On the other hand, interpretation is not a mechanical process. He is not passive and passive in his work. He can't hold the idea that "I am only responsible for the conversation between the two sides of the translation, and everything else has nothing to do with me". Instead, we should give full play to the advantages of both sides and create and make use of positive factors conducive to promoting mutual understanding. This requires the interpreter to observe the response of both sides of the conversation at the work site. When the listener fails to understand, the translator should change the words and sentence structure in time, or supplement and explain with the consent of the speaker. In the face of confrontational over language, we should adopt some flexible ways to deal with it.

  译员的灵活性还表现在对现场气氛的把握上。在商务谈判这样较紧张的场合,一个畏首畏尾,或期期艾艾的译员无疑会使紧张的气氛更加紧张,为谈判的进行增加阻力,相反的一个镇定自若、情绪稳定、不卑不亢的译员肯定能使我方在谈判中取得优势,使交流双方增加自信。而在诸如普通会谈或轻松的宴会中,翻译人员大不可正襟危坐,面目严肃,。否则会破坏本应良好的气氛,这时翻译人员进行口译时可以选择一些短小精练的句子,轻松地表达双方的意思,使会谈轻松进行。口译者必须加强译德、译技和道德情操的修养,严守国家机密和工业技术秘密。一位优秀的口译者应时刻注意自己的仪态风度,不卑不亢、自尊、自重、自爱。决不可借着便利机会做出有损国格、人格的事情。而且在这个全球经济一体化、新技术、新事物层出不穷的新时代口译人员应利用一切机会,不断补充新的知识,丰富自己,提高语言、文化、艺术的修养, 养成良好的心理素质。做一个时代所需求的优秀口译工作者。

  The translator's flexibility is also reflected in his grasp of the scene atmosphere. In a tense business negotiation situation like this, a timid or expectant interpreter will undoubtedly make the tense atmosphere more tense and increase the resistance for the negotiation. On the contrary, a calm, stable and unassuming interpreter will surely make us gain an advantage in the negotiation and increase the confidence of both sides of the exchange. In general meetings or relaxed banquets, translators should not be serious,. Otherwise, it will destroy the supposed good atmosphere. At this time, translators can choose some short and concise sentences to express the meaning of both sides easily and make the talks easy. Interpreters must strengthen the cultivation of morality, translation skills and moral sentiments, and strictly abide by state secrets and industrial technology secrets. An excellent interpreter should always pay attention to his own demeanor, not humble, self-respect, self-respect and self love. Never take advantage of convenient opportunities to do things that are detrimental to national dignity and personality. In this new era of global economic integration, new technology and new things, interpreters should take advantage of all opportunities to constantly supplement new knowledge, enrich themselves, improve their language, culture and art, and develop good psychological quality. To be an excellent interpreter required by the times.

China International Translation service Co., Ltd.