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Simultaneous interpretation has an important communication effect in international conferences. In order to promote the communication between countries, there is a high demand for translators. What's the working method of simultaneous interpretation shared by the Chinese translation company?
1、无稿同声传译:指同声传译译员在没有发言稿件的情况下完全靠出色的短时记忆能 力边听边译,完成对听说同步有高度要求的同声传译任务。
1. Simultaneous interpretation without manuscript: it refers to that the simultaneous interpreter, when he / she has no speech manuscript, completely relies on his / her excellent short-term memory ability while listening and translating to complete the simultaneous interpretation task with high requirements for simultaneous listening and speaking.
2、带稿同声传译:带稿同声传译又分为两种情况。第一种是只有发言稿没有译稿,在 此情况下,译员要一边听发言人讲话一边看着发言稿做口译,这种工作模式也 可称为视译;第二种情况是既有发言稿又有译稿,这时译员从事的是同声传读 的工作,但即便是同声传读,译员也必须时刻留心发言人讲话过程中增加、删 减发言内容等脱稿行为,以从耳机中接收到的发言人讲话为准进行口译。
2. Simultaneous interpretation with manuscript: simultaneous interpretation with manuscript can be divided into two situations. The first is that there is no translation except for the speech manuscript. In this case, the interpreter should listen to the speech of the speaker while watching the speech manuscript for interpretation. This working mode can also be called visual translation. In the second case, there are both the speech manuscript and the translation manuscript. At this time, the interpreter is engaged in the work of simultaneous interpretation, but even if it is simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter must always pay attention to the increase in the speech process of the speaker . for the omission of speech content, interpretation shall be based on the speech received from the headset.
3、耳语同声传译:在不使用同声传译设备的条件下,译员坐在同声传译用户身边,一边听 取发言人讲话一边向用户进行口译。由于没有设备帮助,耳语同声传译对译员的听 说同步能力和注意力分配要求更高,译员也更容易产生疲劳。
3. Simultaneous interpretation in whispers: without using simultaneous interpretation equipment, the interpreter sits beside the simultaneous interpretation user, listening to the speaker and interpreting to the user at the same time. As there is no equipment to help, simultaneous interpretation of whispers requires more simultaneous listening and speaking ability and attention distribution of translators, and translators are more prone to fatigue.
除以上三种工作方式以外,还有一种类型的同声传译经常为使用三种或三种以上语言的国际会议所广泛采用,即接力同声传译。使用三种语言为例,在接力同声传译时,发言人用源语(A语)进行发言以后, 由一个口译箱内的译员以第二种语吉(B语)进行同声传译,另一个‘口译箱内的译 员听取B语译文然后以第三种语古(C语)进行同声传译。
In addition to the above three ways of working, there is another type of simultaneous interpretation which is often widely used in international conferences using three or more languages, that is, relay simultaneous interpretation. For example, in the relay simultaneous interpretation, after the speaker speaks in the source language (a language), one interpreter in the interpretation box performs simultaneous interpretation in the second language (B language), and the other "the interpreter in the interpretation box listens to the B language translation and then performs simultaneous interpretation in the third language (C language).
由于进行接力的C语译员无法直接收听A语发言获得信息,而只能对B语译员的翻译进行加工处 理,因此B语译员在理解上的任何偏差和忽视都会使C语译员的产出受到损 失。由上可见,接力同声传译要求不同语种的译员相互配合、适当调整.以最大限 度传达源语信息,减少信息流失。
As the relay C interpreter can not directly listen to the a speech to get information, but can only process the B interpreter's translation, so any deviation and neglect of B interpreter's understanding will cause the C interpreter's output to be lost. It can be seen from the above that simultaneous relay translation requires translators of different languages to cooperate with each other and adjust appropriately so as to convey the source language information to the maximum extent and reduce the loss of information.
The above is the Chinese translation company to share with you the way of simultaneous interpretation, hope to help you, want to learn more about the relevant content, you can watch other articles on this site!
China International Translation service Co., Ltd.